We make our own truth. That's how IDC can come up with roughly the same numbers as fellow research firm Canalys and crown Apple the king, when its rival called Android top dog
-- it's all about how you slice it. See, where as Canalys bundled all
Android handset makers together, IDC has broken them up, which leads to a
rather interesting twist -- the largest smartphone maker in the world
is now Apple. Cupertino's growth of 141.7-percent in shipments year over
year was enough to push it past Nokia (which slipped to number three)
and Samsung (which climbed two spots to take the silver medal), while
RIM and HTC rounded out the top five. That being said, no one is running
away with the lead here, and Sammy's continued stratospheric rise should keep Apple on guard. Check out the full report after the break.
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