Aug 13, 2013

How to Turn our Device into a ChromeCast Dongle

The Google Chromecast is a fantastic and cheap media streamer. Despite its (currently) limited functionality and patched root exploit, the convenience that comes with locating and queueing media from your mobile device makes the process of content discovery easier than any other set-top streaming solution. In addition to the convenience factor, the device’s price puts it in a distinct category.
Sometimes, however, $35 is just a tad too much to spend on something that doesn’t do a whole lot,those with extra Android devices laying around can use them as Chromecast receivers for the low, low price of free.
Using and setting up the application is incredibly simple. All you have to do is install the app and enable the service. Within the app itself, users can change the friendly name, which is used to identify the Chromecast receiver. After the service has been enabled, CheapCast works just like the real deal, and is able to accept your casts from compatible applications. One limitation in the current beta, however, is the lack of support for Google Cast tab streaming from Chrome. Hopefully, a future revision will be able to add in this functionality.
If you have an extra Android Stick Computer in need of use, this should be right up your alley. Head over to the application thread to get your cheap on.

 Ok, here it is. The first public beta of CheapCast, an App that let's your Android Device emulate a ChromeCats Dongle. I decided to put this up for free since I believe it could potentially useful to a whole lot of people. If you like it and it works for you, feel free to just use one of the Donation options within the App.

I will also make the Source Code available in the near future (I'm still cleaning it a bit up). Just watch this space:
I hope to further improve the App and welcome anybody who wants to contribute.

In my first PoC-Video I've showed CheapCast with YouTube, I've just uploaded another video showing Google Music streaming to a Nexus 7 running CheapCast:

As this is the first public Beta please expect things to fail. I appreciate your feedback. Please log your issues/bugreports here:

Hope you enjoy it.


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