Jul 27, 2013

Unlock Your Device Using a Hover Gesture with Magic Unlock

Have you ever wanted to automate the unlock procedure of your device? We’ve featured a few interesting ways of turning off and on your device using sensors in the past. However, these solutions predominantly dealt with replicating smart cover functionality on devices lacking the appropriate magnetic sensors.
What do you do if you’d rather not have your device’s screen turn on and off automatically, but would rather like it to unlock with a simple hover of your hand? This is what We hope to achieve with his new app Magic Unlock.
As alluded to by the app’s title, Magic Unlock unlocks your device. The way it does so is by using the proximity sensor on your device to sense when you hover over the display. Upon detecting the hover gesture, the screen is unlocked. Magic Unlock is only activated when your screen is on, and it does so by listening for the ACTION_SCREEN_ON/OFF intents. Because of this, you shouldn’t expect much (if any) drain on your battery.
The app can run in three modes: low, medium, and high priority. Low Priority runs in the background. High Priority runs in the foreground, placing a visible notification in the notification bar. Medium Priority runs in the background (just like low) when there’s enough memory, but then runs in the foreground (similar to high) when low memory is detected.

 I am the developer behind Magic Unlock

First of all, this app allows you to unlock your phone (after the screen is on) using a hover gesture.

Usage tips

- Lockscreen security needs to be off
- Lockscreen needs to be active
- Works only after the screen is on
- 'On' button means that the app is working

Tehnical data

- Uses proximity sensor for hover detection
- Android service with listening on ACTION_SCREEN_ON/OFF intents
- Proximity sensor reading only when screen is on (battery saving)
- And an adaptive service with following characteristics:

- Low priority - app running in background (might be laggy on some devices)
- Medium priority (adaptive) - running in background when enough memory is available / running in foreground (visible notification) when low memory is detected - [recommended setting]
- High priority - always run in foreground (visible notification) - [best responsiveness]

Normal debug MagicUnlock apk attached - v1.1.2

And MagicUnlock_NW v1.1.2 apk for those with HTC One or other devices that are not working with the normal apk

I would like to hear from your opinions and feedback.

Thank you all very much!
Attached Files
File Type: apk MagicUnlock.apk - [Click for QR Code] (271.1 KB)
File Type: apk MagicUnlock_NW.apk - [Click for QR Code] (271.1 KB)


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