Mar 22, 2013

AutoMee S is a tiny Roomba that cleans your tablet and smartphone



If your Roomba needs a friend and you don’t have a cat, toy company Takara Tomy has created a perfect companion: The AutoMee S. The little robot shares the same heroic destiny a Roomba does — slowly cleaning something while you go and do other things — except it cleans the surfaces of mobile devices.
Mobile devices are relatively tiny compared the entire floor of an apartment or house, and yeah, it’s probably much quicker to clean up a mobile device’s surface by manually using a synthetic cloth or the bottom of your shirt, but who has the time to slave away over a mobile device in today’s fast-paced modern world? Now, you can set the little AutoMee S on top of your brand-new Microsoft Surface Pro and finally take your life back.
AutoMee S

The device, which measures in at 67mm x 73mm x 38mm and weighs 82 grams, has three tires for movement, plus two that contain cleaning pads, and uses sensors to help it navigate without falling off the edge of a mobile device. It is powered by a single AA battery, which can run up to three hours totals, but the unit only takes about eight minutes to evenly clean a tablet, and four minutes to evenly clean a smartphone. The unit, which will go on sale in Japan on March 28 for around $17, will come in four different colors (orange, white, pink, blue), as well as contain some extra cleaning pads for when the stock pads get too dirty.
We suppose this could be a pretty useful device if you happen to have more tablets and phones than one human could possibly need, then line them all up and let the AutoMee S clean them all up with one pass. If not, your Roomba could probably use this as a butler.


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