We’re not too proud and only marginally ashamed to admit we’re among the few predominantly PC gamers
who have not played Warren Spector’s take on conspiracy theories and
the cyborgs who investigate them. It’s on the list though and this
so-called “New Vision” mod just kicked it up a few notches, as judging
from the screenshots we perused on Steam before hovering our cursor over
the Buy button and chickening out at the last minute, Deus Ex hasn’t aged gracefully.
We’re not sure why the mod took four
years to complete, but “with around 75% of the world textures remastered
at high definition,” it seems fairly comprehensive. We can only hope
some good Samaritan will be around to do the same for Human Revolution ten years from now, despite the fact the HR looks a lot better now than Deus Ex did back in its heyday.
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